A bunch of resources that may be useful to use during NCW
For Primary
For KS3+
Industry specific inspiration / guides
Key Qualities and Key Terms
Teacher / Subject co-ordinator Checklist
Subject Coordinator
Check that Careers is embedded into Schemes of Work (references added to the front page)
Class-based Staff
Students have a Careers and Aspirations booklet (printed or digital version)
These are a work in progress, so please flag improvements, amendments etc so that they improve over time)Careers occurs as part of PfA, PSHE and embedded into subjects / lessons
The digital portfolio should be used to capture evidence of careers visits, visitors, activities
The photos can be tagged against Careers I Can statements. These statements match with the Careers assessment tab so can be useful when completing assessmentTrips, visits and when out and about out of school
Please tick the relevant box on the signing out sheet if there is a careers angle/ dimension :
☑ Linking curriculum learning to careers
Any trips, visits or visitors that have an element of associating a subject area with a career / pathway
☑ Encounter with employer and employees
Any trips, visits or visitors that have an element of students meeting/coming into contact with companies, businesses and/ or their staff
☑ Experiences of a workplaces
Any trips, visits or visitors that have involve students getting any kind of experience of a workplace
☑ Encounters with further and higher education
Any trips, visits or visitors that have involve students finding out about college or higher education
Autumn Term 1 2023 - feedback
Teacher feedback questionnaire
Student feedback questionnaire
Careers Teaching Resources
KS3 - Years 7, 8 & 9
Year 9 Resources (on DMS Sharepoint drive)
KS4 - Years 10 & 11
Year 10 Resources (on DMS Sharepoint drive)
Post 16
Careers-area specific:
Motor Careers with Light Vehicles
Careers Assessment and Evidence
Student Careers and Aspirations Booklets
every student should have one of these (physical or digital)
Careers I CAN Statements
These are the statements against which you can tag posts on the digital portfolio
Careers Evidence captured on the DMS Digital Portfolio
Please take photos of visits, trips and when visitors come to speak (embedded careers)
KS2 Evidence Posts - careers
KS3 Evidence Posts - careers
KS4 - 5 Posts - careers
Preparing for Adulthood
START SEND - PATHWAYS - Careers Platform
Click Login With Microsoft to log in to Start
START - full program
Policy, Strategy and Development Docs
Careers Plan
Meetings with Careers Enterprise Coordinator (Tim x Venita)
Compass+ Evaluation
Careers Quality Mark
Careers docs updates log
CEIAG policy - updated September 2023
Provider Access Statement - updated September 2023
Careers Action Plan - updated
Student questionnaire - latest October 2023